church user reviews

“I have known and worked with Kevin Gault for more than 12 years. I had the privilege of being his pastor and watching him invest his gifts and abilities in our local church. His expertise combined with his godly character makes him one of the best possible choices for a local church ministry. Kevin knows the work of the ministry and he loves the local church. He works hard to help find the best and most affordable solutions for the church’s IT needs.

Last year, the Lord moved our family to Vermont and I asked Kevin if he would take on supporting our church and Christian School. The reliability of our system has never been better. He has saved our ministry a great deal of money and solved our system problems. The remote support has been great. He is responsive to our needs and we could not be more satisfied.

Kevin helped us upgrade our school computer lab and helped us set up a remote classroom. I highly recommend Kevin to you! He is a true IT professional that you can trust!”

Pastor Billy M. Gotcher
Trinity Baptist Church
Williston, Vermont

“It is my pleasure to recommend Kevin Gault to you. I have known Kevin for 19 years as a co-worker and through the ministry of Berea Baptist Church.

His work as the IT Director has always accommodated the best interest of our church and has provided the best possible solutions for the most reasonable cost.

He has a heart for the ministry and that has been displayed in the work he has done at Berea. The work has been completed in a timely fashion so that our technical needs have been met. He has been a tremendous blessing to our church and we have been blessed to have him care for all of our IT needs.

Kevin is a hard worker, always dependable, and has gone the extra mile to make certain that the work was accomplished in a timely fashion without compromising quality. He is knowledgeable, trustworthy, confidential, efficient, and cooperative.  In addition, he displays godly character, not only as the IT Director, but in all aspects of church ministry.

It has been a pleasure to know and work with him, and I believe he would be a great asset and help to your ministry.  I highly recommend him to you.”

Roy Squires
Chairman, Deacon Board
Berea Baptist Church
Palm Harbor, FL

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